The right way of buying gemstones

The treatment of gemstones is a complex science which has evolved over hundreds of years. The discovery of gems dates back to pre historic period and there are references in Indian Puranas and mythology about various precious Gems those were being amassed and formed part of the treasury of the Emperors. The award for any exemplary achievement either in warfare or in fine arts were rewarded by gifts of precious stones
Gems have become affordable and formed the property of common man later, and Gem studded Jewellery is now part of the wardrobe of any modern woman. From time immemorial besides the use of gems for the ornamental purpose its hidden qualities to substitute vital elements of Human body was known. Though believed as the Magical properties of these stones they were being used for various ends from reaping riches to remedying the maladies.

However it was not until the development of the modern science and chemistry the chemical properties of these natural stones were made known to the society and scientific testing of the stones originated. Further it also came to light that the gems are store house of abundant energy. The colour and the energy Vibrations of different frequencies contained in these stones acts as substitutes of human body elements the imbalance of which causes diseases both physiological and psychological.

Though the identification and the grading of the Gems was once through the most crude and conventional way of close examination and observation by the Human eyes where the subject element was pronounced and the chances of cheating was not uncommon, today there are scientific gem testing labs throughout the world where the grade and genuineness of the Gems are scientifically tested.
We do feel however, that people do not have the right knowledge and awareness about what they are buying.
It is safe to say that most gems which are sold today have been treated in one way or another with un-treated gems being the exception not only in India but also worldwide. Due to the rarity of un-treated gems, they can command a much higher price by comparison to their treated counterpart.
Many gems are heated to very high temperatures to enhance colour and/or clarity. . In most cases the heating enhances the gemstone to make it more beautiful, so a higher price may result
 Since a customer makes the investment of buying the gems rough he wants the final product to be as salable as possible. But with heating of gemstones, the sale value of these gemstones decreases tremendously and is equivalent to minimum value. Moreover, by the time the stones enter into the market it may have passed through several hands and disclosure of treatment does not always occur.

Ideally disclosure of enhancement is the job of the seller, but it does not always happen. Each gemstone variety must be considered individually as well as each type of treatment. The seller or jeweler should send these gemstones to the testing lab who in turn give grading certifications and the customer should have the knowledge about authenticity of the certifications and the grading of gemstones
In India, unfortunately, such thing does not happen as even most of the times, jewelers themselves are not aware of this. They do not send these gemstones for testing as they think this to be of pure quality. So, it is of utmost importance that
while buying a gemstones, a buyer should obtain certification certificate from the seller. This would give information whether the particular gemstone is treated or untreated and its grade level. 

© Diamond & Gems Analytical Center ® 2017 


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