Diamond Jewellery

The 4 C's of diamond 

1. Clarity:- When we speak of a Diamond's clarity we are referring to the presence of birthmarks or tiny inclusions on or within the stone. If you think about the incredible amount of heat and pressure it takes to create a Diamond, it's no surprise that many Diamonds have inclusions, scratches, blemishes and spots on their surface or inside. If other factors are equal then a flawless diamond is more expensive. Diamonds are graded for clarity from Internally Flawless to included. 

2. Cut:- Cut unlocks the natural brilliance of Diamonds. It is perhaps the most important of the 4 Cs. For, the cut not only reflects the general outward appearance of the diamond such as round, emerald or pear shape, but it also gives it its reflective properties. Since a Diamond is only a reflector, a well shaped, excellent cut Diamond gives maximum brilliance as it reflects all the light entering from the front. An Excellent polish and symmetry maximizes not only a Diamond's brilliance, fire and scintillation but also its value. Finish: - Quality of polish and symmetry is judged to reach at a finish grade of a diamond. This can be from excellent to poor. Cut, Polish and Symmetry of a diamond can be graded into five grades from excellent to poor. Buy only Excellent or Very good cut Diamonds as they give the best light performance. 

3. Carat :- A carat is the standard unit of measures that defines the weight of a diamond which is equivalent to 200 milligrams. Carat size is also expressed as 'points' where a one carat diamond equals 100 points or cents. Diamond up to- 99 cents in weight are called pointers and above 100 cents in weight are called Solitaires. Diamonds of the same carat weight may appear to be of different sizes depending on how the Diamond is cut. If color, clarity and cut of a group of Diamonds are same then a single Diamond of higher weight will be more valuable than a group of Diamonds having the same weight together. Value of a Diamond increases exponentially with the increase in its weight. 

4. Color :- Most people think that Diamonds are colorless or white, but the majority of Diamonds are yellow, brown or black. Only the rarest Diamonds are colorless. In fact, the more colorless or white a Diamond is, the more valuable it is. The color of a Diamond ranges from exceptional white plus to tinted white. The white Diamonds are internationally judged on D to Z range of colors. A Diamond is considered colorless if it is of d, e or f grade and rare white to white if it is of G to H grade. The Diamond will start to appear yellow/brown if the color grade is lower than J. 

Laser inscription:- When you buy diamond, especially solitaires, it is either loose or set in a piece of jewellery and its certification is given to you separately. How at this point, you can ensure that the certificate is corresponding to the diamond you are buying. The best way to ensure this is to buy Laser Inscripted Diamond. Laser inscription of diamonds is a process of using a very fine, precise laser beam to write anything on the girdle of a diamond. Laser inscription is considered permanent since it can only be removed by re-polishing the surface of the diamond. The laser inscription is microscopic totally invisible to the naked eye. It can only be seen with 10x magnifying loupe. Laser inscription does not change the colour grade or clarity grade of a Diamond. All major international diamond grading labs laser inscribe only the certificate number and their logo on the girdle of the diamond. They do not write anything else about the diamond on the girdle. And they write on the certificate also about it as comment or otherwise. Owing a laser in inscripted diamond gives maximum satisfaction as you are always assured whether at the time of repairs or re- sales or re landing that you can always re check the authenticity of your Diamond. There is no chance of switching of diamond knowingly or unknowingly. 

What is Rapaport Report? 

The Rapaport Report is the primary source of Diamond pricing and market information for the Diamond industry. It is the international standard used to establish prices in all major cutting centers and dealer markets. It gives reference prices only for perfectly cut Diamonds. Matching the color, clarity, cut and carat of a Diamond to the Rapaport report will give you its exact internationally accepted price. How to clean Diamond Jewellery:- Diamond Jewellery Care Diamonds are tough but they aren't indestructible. Never wear your diamond while doing rough or hard work. Avoid chlorine as it can damage or discolor your diamond jewellery. Do not wear Diamond jewellery while bathing in a pool or hot tub. Clean your diamonds regularly using jewellery cleaner, a mix of ammonia and water, or a mild detergent. Dip the jewellery into the solution and use a soft brush to wipe dust or dirt from under the setting.


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